
Embracing early signs of better mood music with the new government

Our CEO Flora Hamilton shares how we are preparing to work closely with the new government to help create the best possible environment for business schools, the economy and wider society to flourish.

11th July 2024

Why become a CMBE?

Develop your teaching practice, gain professional recognition and advance your career by committing to your ongoing development as Certified Management & Business Educator.

How a CMBE subscription benefits you

Taking up a CMBE subscription will enable you to:

Develop your teaching practice

The commitment you make to undertake continuous professional development provides a framework to personalise your development in teaching practice, leadership of learning & teaching, or scholarship of learning & teaching.

Gain professional recognition

Use the CMBE designation after your name to demonstrate to those you teach, your institution, and the wider community that you are committed to your practice and your development.

Join a global network of educators

Join a community of business and management educators in over 30 countries to share best practice, discuss common challenges and develop new collaborations. Support fellow CMBEs through the Peer Review Scheme.


The CMBE Subscription is an annual fee.

£110 - For Individuals from Chartered ABS member institutions

£165 - For Individuals from institutions that are not Chartered ABS members