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Research & Analysis Apprenticeships

Bridging the gap: How business schools are building pathways to success through degree apprenticeships

12th February 2024

The Chartered ABS has published the first ever detailed analysis of the provision of degree apprenticeships in UK business schools and the demographic characteristics of learners. Using data from HESA, the report reveals that business and management apprenticeships provide social mobility and lifelong learning for all ages and for communities with lower participation in higher education. It also uses DfE data to compare Business & Management apprenticeship provision with that of other fields.  

Key findings from the report include:

  • Business & Management is the most popular degree apprenticeship subject, comprising 47% of degree apprenticeship starts at levels 6 and 7 combined.

  • Business & Management apprenticeships provide true progression routes. At level 6, 86% progress from lower-level qualifications. At level 7, 25% join with no prior degree qualification, including 10% of apprentices with no prior qualifications.

  • Business & Management apprenticeships play a significant role in offering learning routes for both young and mature learners. At level 6, 40% are aged 24 or under, and the proportion of mature learners is nearly twice that of traditional undergraduate programmes.

  • Business & Management apprenticeships overcome educational disadvantage on multiple measures, with almost one-third of level 6 apprentices coming from communities with low higher education participation rates, and just 3% originating from public/private schools.

The report offers a comprehensive understanding of the current state of apprenticeships in business education and their contribution to higher education and society. 

View the full report here